Where Good Ideas Come From  – Steven Johnson

Where Good Ideas Come From – Steven Johnson

Both evolution and innovation thrive in collaborative networks where opportunities for serendipitous connections exist. Great discoveries often evolve as slow hunches, maturing and connecting to other ideas over time.

Where Good Ideas Don’t Come From

Good ideas do not – for the most part – come from inside someone’s head. Instead, they come from outside – specifically from social interaction.

A study conducted in leading research laboratories found that scientists rarely, if ever, had a flash of inspiration or eureka moment alone in the lab. Instead, ideas happen in conversation with colleagues. So want a great idea? Then go to a coffee house and talk with someone.

Different Contexts generate Ideas

Strange Ways An Idea Takes Form

The Mutations

Great Leaps

Ideas Come From Stuff

Good ideas don’t come from thoughts or visions. Instead, they come from stuff.

Every great idea is a combination or mutation of an idea that has already been brought to life. Ideas brought to life in products that are already out there are the building blocks of innovation – not thoughts.

Innovations from a Walk

Open Networks

Adjacent Possible

Good ideas do not come from looking forward or back; rather, they come from looking left and right, to what is adjacent to us. Tomorrow’s great innovations are built from the stuff of today—specifically, from the things around us that can be combined into something new.

The strange and beautiful truth about the adjacent possible is that its boundaries grow as you explore them. Each new combination opens up the possibility of other new combinations.

Seven Questions for Finding Good Ideas


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