Work Rules! – Laszlo Bock

Work Rules! – Laszlo Bock

 Insights from Inside Google That Will Transform How You Live and Lead

You are a Founder

It is within anyone’s grasp to be the founder and culture creator of their own team.

The Rules Of Hiring

Hiring is the most important human resource activity in any organization.

If you recruit like everyone else, place ads, sift resumes, interview, and then hire, you will get the same results as everyone else who is “average.”

Work rules for hiring differently:

Attributes Of A Good Candidate

Good Managerial Attributes

Company Culture

If you give people freedom, they will amaze you.

A group’s culture can be studied in three ways:

Learn From Employees

Great Company Culture

Three defining aspects of good company culture:

Work rules for building a great culture:

Performance Management

It is okay to pay two people in the same job completely different amounts. The power-law distribution should be based on performance.

Making Life Easy for All

Finding exceptional candidates

The Principles Of Quality Hiring

Mass Empowerment


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