Your guide to Egypt’s sun queen Nefertiti

Your guide to Egypt’s sun queen Nefertiti

Nefertiti is one of the most recognised figures from ancient Egypt, but how much is known about Egypt’s sun queen? Was she a pharaoh? Was she the mother of Tutankhamun? And when and how was her bust discovered? This interview is taken from an episode of the HistoryExtra podcast and has been edited for clarity.

What do we know about Nefertiti with certainty?

The only thing we know with certainty is that she was the pharaoh Akhenaten’s wife.

Was Nefertiti Tutankhamun’s mother?

Most scholars agree that Akhenaten’s father was definitely not her husband, but her cousin, Kiya.

The Myth of Neferneferuaten

Most of what we think we know about Egyptian history is wild guesswork based on a couple of little bits of information. One little discovery can make a huge difference.

What do we know about Nefertiti’s death and the end of her life?

According to the mummy, she suffered a massive blow to the face, smashing many of the bones.

Other female pharaohs

Sobekneferu, a few centuries earlier, is the only other known example of a woman pharaoh.

What was happening in Egypt during the reign of Akhenaten and Nefertiti?

The late 14th century BC was a very interesting time, both in Egypt and more widely across the ancient world.

What sort of role would Nefertiti have undertaken as pharaoh?

As someone ruling alongside and for an under-age king, she would have been carrying out the full role of pharaoh.

The Story of Nefertiti’s Bust

In the years from 1905-1914, a German archaeological team worked at Amarna, excavating the remains of the capital city built by Akhenaten.

What are some misconceptions Egyptologists have had about Nefertiti that have been largely disproved?

Some have insisted that she was a royal princess, or a foreign princess.

Was she a pharaoh?

During her period as Akhenaten’s wife, we find Nefertiti depicted smiting Egypt’s enemies, which is something which is never found for any other queen of Egypt.


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