How did Mark Zuckerberg turn Facebook into Meta? Why does he think open source is the future of AI? And how has he maintained a Minus One mindset at his founder-led company? SPC Partners (and early Facebook employees) Ruchi Sanghvi and Aditya Agarwal interviewed Mark at SPC-SF to get the candid answers.

In this insightful conversation with South Park Commons team, Mark Zuckerberg shares valuable insights on building innovative products, the importance of open-source AI, and maintaining a founder's mindset throughout a company's growth.

Big ideas from the conversation

Building Good Things vs. Awesome Things

Zuckerberg emphasized that there's a difference between doing good things and doing awesome things. He sees these as two different, almost orthogonal directions:

  1. Good things are valuable and important, but they may not necessarily inspire or excite people in the same way.
  2. Awesome things are those that are inherently inspiring, groundbreaking, or create experiences that people haven't had before.
"There's a difference between doing good things and doing awesome things and it's like a difference in inspiration and good is good too.
You can be awesome and not good there are kind of two different almost orthogonal directions."