3 Ways to Practice Empathetic Leadership with a Virtual Team

3 Ways to Practice Empathetic Leadership with a Virtual Team

Empathy is the ability to feel what another person is feeling. It is to experience their emotions in a big and meaningful way. In order to become truly exceptional, those in charge must practice empathetic leadership. It’s important to put your emotional intelligence to work, at work, in the form of practicing empathy.

See the whole person

Create regular virtual opportunities for your team to meet, both formally and informally, and encourage them to share more about themselves, their families, and their personal interests.

Demonstrate that you have listened and that you care by asking questions because you want to learn more. In addition to asking the other person questions, ask yourself questions like, “How would I feel or what would I do in this situation?

Assume positive intent

Work closely with your team or direct reports to get a good idea of their day-to-day experiences. By understanding how their workflows operate, you will get a good understanding of what may cause frustration.

Listen more. Encourage open communication between yourself and your remote team and its members, and focus on listening to what your employees are saying–not just waiting to speak.

Develop a safe space

The highest-performing teams have one thing in common: psychological safety. It is the belief that you won’t be punished when you make a mistake.

Approach conflict as a collaborator, not an adversary. Speak human-to-human, but anticipate reactions. Ask for feedback to illuminate your own blind spots. Open up for suggestions and ideas from your team and take time to reflect on them.


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