4 ways every employee can contribute to company culture

4 ways every employee can contribute to company culture

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We love to work

We love to work in a vibrant, diverse, and caring environment in which we are valued as whole people. 

We often leave it to be implemented by managers and human resource teams. 

We assume that their values, along with the policies and decisions they make, determine the behaviours and priorities we employees must follow.

It is equally true

It is equally true that great company culture is built and reinforced by its people — meaning you and your peers. 

Individual contributors without supervisory power can have a huge impact within their own spheres of influence. 

Here is what you can do, to incorporate whole-person workplace values into your organization.

Set the example.Many companies

Set the example.

Many companies need employees to join employee resource groups, short-term projects, or long-term committees focused on building a better workplace. 

Participate in these efforts, to build your internal network, develop communication skills, and take on more responsibility. 

Practising self-empowerment at work, encourages others to do the same.

Get to know people

Get to know people on a personal level.

Befriend new team members, many of whom may feel out of place joining your organization remotely or adjusting to a hybrid environment.

Invite them to lunch or to chat over a virtual coffee.

There is plenty of

There is plenty of advice out there pushing managers to take charge when it comes to developing positive team cultures. 

Change doesn’t happen unless someone steps up, and that person doesn’t have to be the boss. 

That person needs to be a leader, and with a little initiative, creativity, and empathy, that leader can be you.

Celebrate others (and be

Celebrate others (and be creative).

Recognizing and celebrating team members for their work is a great way to set an example and develop a positive culture. 

Remind your team of each other’s birthdays and work anniversaries, or encourage people to come together to show support when a colleague experiences a big life event.

Simple gestures create a genuine culture of care. 

Show up for people

Show up for people without resentment.

You deserve to have your needs attended to as much as anyone else. 

The goal is to set healthy boundaries but to lead with empathy. Find a balance between saying “no” and “yes,” and when you say “yes,” do so with care and not resentment. 

Find a balance between saying “no” and “yes,” and when you say “yes,” do so with care and not resentment.


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