5 insights from behavioral science that can make you better at influencing others

5 insights from behavioral science that can make you better at influencing others

Zoe Chance, a behavioral scientist and professor at Yale School of Management, shares five key insights from her new book, Influence Is Your Superpower: The Science of Winning Hearts, Sparking Change, and Making Good Things Happen. Listen to the audio version-read by Chance herself-in the Next Big Idea App

Make it okay for someone to say No makes them want to say Yes

When you make an invitation without any pressure whatsoever, they become inclined to lean forward

Being charismatic isn’t something you are-it’s something you do

You can become more charismatic-someone people want to pay attention to-with a few tweaks to your language, body language, and attention

Authentic, lasting influence is a group project

As our paths cross, entwine, diverge, and reconnect, we form a greater whole-an interconnected web of influence

Influence isn’t rocket science, it’s a science-which is great news because that means it can be mastered by nerds like us.

System 1 and System 2: Two internal systems governing all our thinking and behavior

The best predictor of behavior is ease

Ease makes people happy, and effort can really annoy people


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