5 Ways to Combat the “Great Resignation” and Build a Thriving Team

5 Ways to Combat the “Great Resignation” and Build a Thriving Team

As the "Great Resignation" sweeps across industries, leaders are left grappling with its impact. Discover five strategies to not only withstand this wave, but also to cultivate a flourishing team amidst these challenging times.

The Great Resignation

As the pandemic recedes, we are collectively entering what psychologists say is the 6th stage of grief: a pursuit of meaning and purpose

Psychological Safety

Employees need to build trust and respect for one another, be self-aware and others-aware, and feel like they can actively bring their best work to the team


One of our great needs as humans is belonging. When addressing this need, team members want to be together.

Tools for the job

Make sure team members have the basic tools they need to do their job in today’s environment

Personal Fulfillment

You can’t force anyone to find personal fulfillment in their work, but you can create an environment that fosters it by attending to the first four needs and thereby setting the stage for this one to be achieved as well.

Organizational Clarity

This stage answers the questions “Who are we?” and “How do we behave in order to achieve our mission?”


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