A How-To Guide To Deal With Unsavoury Office Politics

A How-To Guide To Deal With Unsavoury Office Politics

Office Politics is everywhere in our workplaces. And the most frustrating fact about it is that you can’t escape it – it’s everywhere! Yes, I am talking about Office Politics! You would agree that every workplace has its own type of office politics. And sometimes they are really difficult for employees to handle.

What is Office Politics?

Basically a process that involves power, authority, and social networking and is used by organizations and individuals to achieve changes that benefit the organization or individuals within it

The Gossiper

They are everywhere – from your group of friends to your office. They always into’spread the word’.

Be True To Your Work

If you are not dedicated to your work, you cannot expect others in the office to be nice to you the way you want.

Communication Is The Key

Be open to having a conversation. Talk to the person directly and put your point.

The Bully

These are the ones who use their position of authority and power to get their work done.

Do Not Tolerate Politics

If you feel there’s something wrong happening to you, talk to the higher folks of the organization directly, and if they also don’t take any action, you don’t have to stay in that place anymore.

The Climbers

They are the ones who climb the ladder to achieve a higher position even by backstabbing colleagues and flattering the senior folks of the organization.

The Bus Drivers

These are the ones who are good at using someone else’s credibility to take their career ahead.

Bottom Line

Office politics over the years have become a serious issue in the corporate world, people (irrespective of their gender) are getting into really horrible mental states, and some are even on the verge of mental breakdown.

The One With Ego

This person is the one who reckons that s/he is always right

Be Friendly With Everyone At All Levels

Always carry a genuine smile, always greet people, be friendly, be the one who helps others and support others.

Make It Clear

You Are Not Open To Gossip


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