Brené Brown and Simon Sinek on the leadership skills we need to build | ReThinking with Adam Grant

Brené Brown and Simon Sinek on the leadership skills we need to build | ReThinking with Adam Grant

In a lively discussion, Brené Brown and Simon Sinek, two of the world’s most influential thought leaders, share their insights on the power of vulnerability, the importance of finding one’s ‘why’, and other vital skills for leaders.

They discuss how to foster inclusivity, the importance of courage, and the significance of self-reflection in leadership.

From High Performers to All Performers

Leadership development programs often disproportionately benefit high performers.

However, for a truly inclusive and effective organization, it’s important to provide leadership development opportunities and incentives to all individuals, not just the high performers.

The Role of Feedback in Leadership

Feedback is a critical aspect of leadership development.

Leaders who initially resist feedback may become more open and receptive when they feel safe and free from fear.

This openness can lead to improved communication and overall team dynamics.

The Root Cause of Exhaustion in Leadership

Leaders should reflect on their motivation and energy levels and seek help when needed.

Understanding the root cause of exhaustion, such as loneliness or lack of appreciation, can help leaders set boundaries and avoid self-sacrifice.

I think it’s true who we are is how we lead…self-awareness, kindness, vision, accountability, trust, just basic skills of being a good human being to other human beings. – Brené Brown

Avoiding Parental Metaphors in Leadership

Terms like ‘facilitator,’ ‘coach,’ or ‘guide’ are preferred over ‘leader’.

This language encourages a more cooperative, less hierarchical relationship within a team.

Avoiding parental or family metaphors in the workplace can promote a more professional and respectful environment.

Vulnerability and Trust in Leadership

Leadership demands a deep-seated trust, fostered by the courage to be vulnerable.

Leaders should create environments where everyone feels seen, heard, and appreciated.

It’s also crucial to acknowledge the team’s contributions, recognizing that success is a collective endeavor, not an individual pursuit.

Finding One’s ‘Why’

Effective leadership requires an understanding of one’s purpose, or ‘why’.

This purview extends beyond personal gains and serves a greater societal cause.

Leadership is not just about guiding a team towards a goal, but also about inspiring them with a vision.

A good why is ultimately an act of service…even service to a cause is ultimately service to society. – Simon Sinek

Taking Leadership into Your Own Hands

When faced with a leader who is not improving your work experience, consider taking on the role of the leader you wish you had.

This can involve embodying the behavior you’d like to see in your leader, as well as having difficult conversations about your experiences.

Creating Safe Environment through Vulnerability

Vulnerability can shift a leader’s focus from feeling threatened to creating a safe environment that is free of fear.

By expressing personal fears and anxieties, leaders can inspire their teams to be more open and receptive to feedback.

There’s nothing wrong with ambition and there’s nothing wrong with being excited and happy when we get a promotion, but anyone who’s reached any level of authority inside an organization, they didn’t get there alone. – Adam Grant

Courage in Leadership

Courage is fundamental to effective leadership.

This includes the bravery to speak truth to power, admit mistakes, have difficult conversations, and step into discomfort.

A leader’s courage can pave the way for open discussions and trust within a team.

Being Students of Leadership

Great leaders should consider themselves students rather than experts of leadership.

This mindset encourages continuous learning, adaptability, and growth, which are essential for effective leadership.

Importance of Care and Connection

Establishing a deep connection and genuinely caring for the people you lead are crucial aspects of effective leadership.

If forming a deep connection is not possible, valuing their contributions and providing necessary support can go a long way in fostering a supportive work environment.

The Power of ‘Thinking Out Loud’

Thinking out loud can be a valuable way of processing ideas.

However, it’s important for leaders to create space for others to contribute and to explicitly state when they are thinking out loud to avoid misinterpretation and overreaction.


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