Re-imagine! – Tom Peters

Re-imagine! – Tom Peters

“Re-imagine!: Business Excellence in a Disruptive Age” is a follow-up to Peters’ earlier work “In Search of Excellence”. In “Re-imagine!”, Peters offers his insights and advice on how companies can thrive in an era of rapid change and disruption.

Brand yourself or be branded

Peters emphasizes the importance of branding in today’s business world, where competition is intense and customers have numerous choices. He argues that companies must build strong, distinctive brands to differentiate themselves and create loyal customers. Peters encourages companies to think of themselves as “brand platforms” and to constantly innovate and improve their brand image.

Tell a compelling story

Storytelling is a powerful tool for companies looking to build their brand and connect with customers. Peters encourages companies to tell compelling stories that resonate with their audience and reflect their brand values. He argues that storytelling can be used to create emotional connections with customers and to differentiate a company from its competitors.

Innovate or die

Innovation is a key theme of “Re-imagine!”, and Peters argues that companies must embrace change and constantly innovate to survive in today’s disruptive business environment. He encourages companies to foster a culture of creativity and experimentation, and to embrace failure as a necessary part of the innovation process.

Culture eats strategy for breakfast

Culture is a powerful force that can make or break a company. Peters argues that companies must prioritize building a strong, positive culture that values innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement. He encourages companies to hire people who share their values and to create a culture of accountability and ownership.

Leadership matters

Peters argues that leadership is a critical factor in the success of any organization and that leaders must be authentic, visionary, and empathetic. He encourages leaders to focus on building relationships with their employees and customers and to foster a culture of trust and collaboration.

The customer is king

Customer service is a critical factor in building strong, loyal customer relationships. Peters argues that companies must prioritize delivering exceptional customer experiences and that every employee should be empowered to solve customer problems and create memorable moments. He encourages companies to listen to their customers and to constantly seek feedback and improvement.

Diversity drives innovation

Diversity and inclusion are critical factors in creating a culture of innovation and creativity. Peters argues that companies must prioritize diversity and inclusion initiatives to attract and retain top talent and to ensure that their products and services are relevant to a diverse customer base. He encourages companies to embrace diversity in all its forms and to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

Technology is the great enabler

Technology is a powerful tool for companies looking to innovate and stay competitive. Peters argues that companies must embrace technology and use it to enhance their products, services, and customer experiences.

He encourages companies to think creatively about how they can leverage technology to create new business models and revenue streams.

Design matters

Design is a critical factor in creating products and services that customers love. Peters argues that companies must focus on creating products that are both functional and beautiful and that the design process should be integrated into every aspect of the business. He encourages companies to hire talented designers and invest in design education and training.


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