The People Part – Annie Hyman Pratt

The People Part – Annie Hyman Pratt

“The People Part: Seven Agreements Entrepreneurs and Leaders Make to Build Teams , Accelerate Growth, and Banish Burnout for Good” by Annie Hyman Pratt is a book that provides insights and practical advice on how to build effective teams and drive growth in your business. 

Drawing on her extensive experience working with people in business, Pratt outlines seven easy-to-implement agreements that can help you build a high-performing team , accelerate growth, and banish burnout for good. 

The book focuses on the importance of developing a company culture that fosters trust, respect, and open communication, and provides concrete examples of how entrepreneurs and leaders can put these principles into practice

Agreement 1: Learning Self-Leadership

There are essentially two ways we can show up in any situation—self-protection and self-leadership—and the great thing is we get to choose!

Self-leadership is the ability to regulate our emotions so that we can think and behave intentionally, even under pressure and stress, to tame our reactions and get our critical thinking engaged.

Our actions aren’t always based on our critical thinking and deliberate choices—as humans, we only sometimes act from our conscious intention. Other times we act out of routine or unconscious habits, or we react to perceived threats and emotional triggers.

Agreement 5: Making Conscious Agreements

Agreements are where the rubber hits the road in business. They are the main mechanism of teamwork. We are always making agreements, even if we’re not aware of it!

Agreements are a process, not a promise. As situations change, so must the agreements. There is way too much change always happening in business to consider anything an unchangeable “promise.”

Agreement 6: Recognizing and Responding to Change

Recognizing when things go off track is key! You know you are off track when achieving the intended outcome isn’t possible without a significant change.

Start with what changed. The best way to respectfully and effectively renegotiate an agreement is to start by looking at how the situation has changed.

When in doubt, go back to the outcome. Anchoring a discussion in desired outcomes makes it psychologically safe and not personal.

Agreement 7: Creating Your Company Culture

Step one in any business, leadership, or team situation is to start in Self-Leadership.

It’s the consistent behaviors and actions your team collectively takes day after day, even in challenging circumstances, that add up to a high-performance work culture.

Agreement 4: Building High-Trust Relationships

Humans are hardwired to recognize even the smallest potential threats in situations with others. This can lead to reactive self-protection, which is counterproductive in the modern workplace.

The antidote to acting out of self-protection, which damages relationships, is to provide “psychological safety”—an environment free of blame, judgment, and criticism, where your team is safe to raise issues and share ideas.

Recognize, Regulate and Resolve

The CCORE Process:

High-Trust Relationships Contd.

An effective apology is about repairing a relationship and demonstrating that you care about another person’s experience. It’s not about determining fault.

Effective acknowledgment and appreciation specifically describes the actions and behaviors of others and how that positively impacted you and the business.

When stakes are high, timelines are tight, and the pressure is on, it is easy to bump up against one another. It is helpful to apply compassion and remember you are a united team going for big outcomes!

Delegate outcomes rather than tasks

Delegation is a two-way process with mutual responsibility. When everyone involved is responsible to generate a good agreement, it takes the pressure off any one person to get it right.

Group agreements take things out of the realm of the implied and assumed, where individual interpretation can cause challenges, to clear agreements that work for everyone.

Agreement 2: Defining Company Goals

Communicating goals effectively includes providing the purpose and benefits of the goal, the “why” behind what you’re doing. Everyone involved needs to be working toward the same outcomes, with the same purpose in mind.

Agreement 3: Establishing Clear Roles

Role clarity means that everyone knows their part in the business and how it fits with the other parts to achieve the desired results.

As a business grows, it expands its operations and adds team members. The structure becomes more defined, and the functions become more specialized.

Clarifying roles is a shared responsibility: As roles and duties shift, it’s up to each team member to proactively communicate what’s changed, so the team can review the impacts and adjust their roles if needed.

Clear organizational team structure and functional leadership is key to freeing up a CEO, so they can focus their role on the visionary, strategic, and innovative parts of the business.


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