Your First 90 Days as Head of HR

Your First 90 Days as Head of HR

The first 90 days as a new human resources director are crucial in becoming one of the critical contributors to the company success, who is difficult to ignore or let go. Here is a handy guide that helps you complete your first 90-day integration period and avoid critical mistakes to avoid.

Get a general map of human resources activities

Research and list ongoing human resources work.

What are the activities and scope of the HR Director function?

HR directors intervene in several essential areas in the company to the extent that confusion sometimes arises between their function and that of managers


The first 90 days are an integration period when you have to prove your competence and show everyone that you are the right person for the job. Avoid mistakes, and take the right initiatives.

Set up your priorities strategically

Your work and priorities must focus on delivering results

Build relationships and get a mentor

Build strong relationships with people who can help you

What does an HR director do?

Administrate, mobilize, and develop the human resources involved in an organization for greater efficiency and effectiveness

Why are the first 90 days of the HR director so important?

They can be a moment of pressure because you must meet expectations, and make the right actions to earn respect and acceptance

Get to know the business

Align your objectives with the company goals

Develop an action plan

Define a clear plan of what you will do, what will show that you are competent

To not adapt to the culture of the company

As a newcomer in the company, not thinking, acting, adapting to this culture can lead to a disconnect with the other staff. This disconnect can result in misguided decision-making that can frustrate more than one and create a disagreement.

Have a great team

Set the pace of work

To isolate oneself from the rest

It is misadvised to content yourself with knowing just the organization and relegating the knowledge of the people to the background.

To keep an underperforming team

It would be a shame to keep such a team that won’t make you succeed

Develop your credibility early

Show yourself worthy of respect and trust early to establish yourself as someone to be respected and to have confidence in


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